Thursday 18 July 2013

Happy Nelson Mandela Day 2013

Today is Mandela's 95th Birthday. First of all a very happy birthday Tata and may God carry you. Let's pay homage to a great and very influential man. He is the father of our Rainbow Nation.

Burning the Pass
Let's all give our 67 minutes today for this great man. Only 67 minutes to make a difference to one person's life.

They say "Vee eers voor jou eie deur" so let us all start at our own homes and see what can be done for the people in your own family. Check if your mom needs help with the yard, see if your dad needs help with anything. Take your brother or sister out for something fun. You do not have to do something epic to make a difference.

By the way the Afrikaans quotation in this post means if translated,"Sweep in front of your own door first" which is a saying in South Africa that before you judge or do something to someone else, first look at yourself.

Well what else can be said about Nelson except that he is a great icon in today's history. A living legend, the only living legend. The second most popular man to have ever lived. Watch out History lesson coming.

Nelson was born on 18 July 1918 at Qunu, a village near Umtata in Transkei. We all know how he got expelled from Fort Hare, because he took part in boycott action and then went to Johannesburg where he met Walter Sisulu and in 1944 where he became a founder member of the ANC youth league. How he was trialed in the Rivonia Trial and sentenced to life in prison on Robin Island.

In 1990 he was freed after serving 27 years and in prison. For more info on this great man please check this link

My final words is summed up in the picture below and I live by it. Happy Nelson Mandela Day.
True words from a great man

Tuesday 16 July 2013

1st time for everything

So this is the first official post of this the blog....

I'm sure this is going to be an enriching experience. I here I will account for and give some "lekker" (nice) tips when visiting Cape Town in South Africa. I will post some amazing photos and some funny sayings, in Afrikaans  which I will translate for you in plain old English.
Table Mountain - unknown

Be prepared for some stories and of course what is on my mind about our Wonderful City. If you need the low down on some events that is not so publicly known as it is probably not advertised in the main stream then a good chance exist that you will find some details here.

Anyway, find my 1st post soon as I will update as regularly as possible.